Are imbalances in your brain chemicals and hormones affecting your sleep, work and pleasure in life?
Check each of the following that apply to you:
- I wake feeling unrested
- Sleep is difficult for me
- I am always tired, fatigued or lack lustre for life
- Concentration and focus are a challenge
- My motivation is low
- I am always forgetting things
- I am often irritable and grumpy
- My sex drive is low
- Weight control is difficult and my love handles or muffin top are embarrassing
- Hormones drive me crazy (PMS, menopause)
There are possible safe, painless and natural non-prescriptive drug solutions to help!
Did you know?
- Increased cortisol may cause insomnia, hyperactivity and decreased thyroid function and poor memory
- Low dopamine may result in poor focus, low libido, and depression with exhaustion
- High glutamate may contribute to anxiety, sleeplessness and irritability
- Lower serotonin levels may lead to depression, anxiety and insomnia
- Epinephrine and norepinephrine may increase anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia and insulin resistance
- Low GABA may lead to increased anxiety, insomnia and irritability.
How does imbalance occur?
Many factors contribute to disruption in our delicate system balance. Poor diet, stress, environmental factors, lack of or too much exercise and sleep, stimulants, genetics, even medications can deplete and offset the harmony.
How do you fix this?
Take home lab kits from Sanesco and Precision Analytical are now available for neurotransmitter and hormone analysis. The tests collect the urine breakdown products of serotonin, dopamine, GABA, epinephrine, norepinephrine, glutamate, melatonin, cortisol, estrogens, progesterone, androgens and more. The kit is shipped and the lab company runs the tests and provides the results back to the doctor. Nutritional analysis through lab drawn blood work is also available to evaluate vitamin and mineral status. Laboratory results will guide clinical decisions with clarity and focus.
Dr. Laura M. Brown, ND can help evaluate where to start, access the tests kits and provide blood requisitions for you and subsequently interpret the results. Individualized protocols are the heart of naturopathic medicine. Diet and lifestyle adjustments are first and foremost, then where needed, vitamins, minerals, and nutraceuticals may be added to help balance the body and get you back to feeling yourself.