Aging for most means progression to inflammation and reduced immune capacity. Adverse changes in the microbiome contribute to 16-18% of...
Naturopathic doctor guelph
Your microbiome plays an important role in mediating depression and anxiety-like behaviours[1]. Keep your gut and its lining healthy and...
Keep up to date on your health goals! Dr. Laura M. Brown, ND is registered to practice in the province of Ontario. As long as you and Dr. Laura are both in Ontario, she may provide you care. Remote care is beneficial to save time, reduce travel, and limit social...
Pristine air and spring fed rivers running down the mountain side. Mountain berries, fresh leafy greens. A hike, a stretch,...
As of Jan 7, 2020 Dr. Laura M. Brown ND will be found here, at SOUTHEND Natural Medicine. Feel free...
Decisions for treatment and follow-up often are assisted with orders for lab or imaging. Bring any recent laboratory analysis or medical imaging to your Naturopathic Doctor. Biochemical and molecular testing can offer invaluable assistance in directing and monitoring healthcare solutions. Each patient’s biochemical individuality exerts a major influence on their...
Therapeutic use of foods is a mainstay for naturopathic medicine. Dietary modification and or nutritional supplements often can address health...
Homeopathy approaches the patient holistically, prescribing medication that stimulates the natural healing mechanisms in the body with little to no...
The long and winding stream
Local application of the antimicrobials via steam inhalation will help combat any virus or bacterial infection. The mucus will be...
Wet Socks! For sinus and head colds. Not for lung afflictions. Helps boost white blood cells and improve circulation of lymphatics. You will...
In a 30- 45 minute appointment, you could have relief. There are many ways naturopathic medicine offers relief from muscle strain or pain. Acupunture Acupuncture with electro stimulation Acupuncture with vibrational (Ohm) therapy Infrared heat Cupping Vibrational (Ohm) therapy Myofascial release Lymphatic massage Homeopathics Take home exercises Take home hydrotherapy...