Our lymphatic system is made of fluid from the intestines and our immune fighting cells. It is like the drainage, filter and sewer pipe for the body because it provides immune cell circulation and collects cellular waste. It includes the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and lymph channels, GALT, the gastrointestinal associated lymphatic tissue, the MALT or mucosal associated lymphoid tissue, as well as the tonsils and adenoids.
Naturopathic Medicine exists to strengthen and encourage optimal health. It is a practice that addresses the fundamentals of disease. It honours and cooperates with the healing power of nature.
If you seek a caring professional who is a registered naturopathic doctor in Ontario with a functional medicine approach, you’ve come to the right place.
Signs of lymphatic back up
- Fatigue
- Constipation and sometimes diarrhea
- Body aches
- Puffy, swollen areas
- Sore breasts at onset of period
- Chronic ear/throat/tonsil issues
- Cellulitis
- Sinusitis
- Cysts, fibroids and adhesions
- Stiff muscles, frozen shoulder
- Low back pain, especially early in the morning
How to improve lymph flow
From latin name of a Roman city, Lympha. It means deity of fresh water. Our lymphatic circulation helps our body-water-balance. Lymphocytes are one of the types of white blood cells in the lymph and the complete blood count (CBC) with white blood cell (WBC) differentiation is a way to quantify the lymphatic immune response. 70% of the lymphatic system, and thus your immune response, is wrapped around the gastrointestinal tract. As well there are lymph channels and nodes all through the body.
The lymphatic system doesn’t have a heart to pump it or synapses like the nerve to transact messages. Lymph relies on gentle exercise, light pressure massage or skin brushing and healthy diet. Additionally there are herbal creams and oils that are most beneficial to move lymph.
Get relief from pain, swelling or fatigue
Naturopathic doctors are trained in whole body therapy. Dr. Laura M. Brown, ND has extended training in lymphatic drainage through herbs, lotions, oils, homeopathic and hands on therapies (yours and hers!). Need relief from swelling, pain or fatigue? Book a new appointment if you are new to the clinic or if you are an existing patient, a follow-up. Book an appointment now.