Peri-menopausal and post-menopause is often accompanied with emotional turbulence, hot flushes and weight gain. Better understand the impacts of the...
Dr. Laura M. Brown, ND
Feel sluggish, tired, constipated, have difficult concentration, or are a wee bit depressed? Naturopathic Medicine exists to strengthen and encourage...
Are imbalances in your brain chemicals and hormones affecting your sleep, work and pleasure in life? Check each of the following that apply to you: I wake feeling unrested Sleep is difficult for me I am always tired, fatigued or lack lustre for life Concentration and focus are a challenge...
The microbiome shows distinct differences in pre and post menopausal women, a 2019 study reports. The change in microbiome could...
Earwax, (medically known as cerumen auris) is a protective normal secretion from a skin gland in the external ear canal....
Our lymphatic system is made of fluid from the intestines and our immune fighting cells. It is like the drainage,...
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