The long and winding stream
JoinedJuly 9, 2019
Dr. Laura M. Brown, ND, is an Ontario registered naturopathic doctor who inspires professional adults with the wonderful, positive results they experience when they listen to their bodies and make healthier choices that serve their highest good.
If you have a cough and feel lousy, you may have bronchitis, a form of chest congestion. Bronchitis can be...
In a 30- 45 minute appointment, you could have relief. There are many ways naturopathic medicine offers relief from muscle...
Often sensitivities go undiagnosed because the reaction is gradual and will happen within 3 minutes to 3 days. This makes...
How do you get to the root cause of your health problems? Take charge of your health recognize patterns remove...
The cabbage also known as cruciferous or brassica family helps support phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification of the liver....
Local application of the antimicrobials via steam inhalation will help combat any virus or bacterial infection. The mucus will be...
Wet Socks! For sinus and head colds. Not for lung afflictions. Helps boost white blood cells and improve circulation of lymphatics. You will...
The onset of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and heartburn often begin in times of grief, abuse or other major negative...
Your breath is the first gift of life. You take it with you everywhere you go. Use the breath and...
Peri-menopausal and post-menopause is often accompanied with emotional turbulence, hot flushes and weight gain. Better understand the impacts of the...