Wet Socks

Natural Congestion Remedy

Wet Socks!  For sinus and head colds. Not for lung afflictions. Helps boost white blood cells and improve circulation of lymphatics.

You will need 3 simple things….

  1. a pair of thin cotton socks
  2. a pair of wool socks
  3. cold tap water

and in 5 easy steps…. 

  1. Get the thin pair cotton socks wet in very cold running water. Ring out. Bring them to bed with you and the wool socks.
  2. Sit on the side of your bed, pull the wet cotton socks on. Yes, this feels weird. Just go with it. It’s free after all!
  3. After you have managed to wriggle the wet socks on your feet, pull the wool socks over top.
  4. Slide under the covers and say good night.
  5. A circulation pump will pull the congestion out of your head as the body warms the feet and dries the socks. White blood cells will increase to help fight any infection. The socks will be dry in 4-6 hours. Repeat as needed. 

Dr. Laura M. Brown, is a registered naturopathic doctor in Guelph with a functional medicine approach. She focusses on stimulating the body’s natural mechanisms to repair damage and rebuild health. A HeartMath® Certified Practitioner and a level 2 Certified Gluten Free Practitioner, she holds the designation of ADAPT Trained Practitioner from Kresser Institute, the only functional medicine and ancestral health training company.