Check how toxic you are by answering the following questions below. The more questions you answer “yes” to, the more toxic you are likely to be, and the more likely you are to benefit from a professionally supervised detox.
- Are you constantly tired?
- Is your skin spotty or dull?
- Do you miss days of passing stool?
- Is your stool irregular?
- Do you have dark circles under your eyes?
- Do you have aches and pains in your joints?
- Do you suffer from high levels of phlegm or sinus congestion?
- Do you suffer from night sweats?
- Do you suffer from gas?
- Do you suffer from bloating or water retention?
- Do you have cellulite?
- Do you have problems sleeping?
- Do you have focus or concentration challenges?
- Do you suffer from frequent mood changes, including depression or anxiety?
- Do your muscles ache for no reason?
- Do you suffer from skin rashes, eczema or acne outbreaks?
- Do you suffer from stress?
Detox doesn’t have to come in a box. Our environment plays a big factor in our toxic environment. We can address things like the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the cleaners we use, the materials we put on our skin, how we store our food, and so much more.
Our bodies can be overburdened with sugar and processed food intake, heavy metals, fungal, viral, bacterial, spirochete, parasite overgrowth, plastics, medications, hormones, alcohol, pesticides, chemicals, lotions, detergents, fragrances and more.
When one feels unwell, depleted of energy or have chronic nagging health issues, this is one’s body talking to them. Listen. Make notes. Observe.
With toxic overload, the body often becomes depleted in vitamins and minerals. Over time, this compounds health issues.
How many questions did you answer yes to above?
There are natural ways to help support the organs of detox. Ways to help “open them up” and draw the toxins out at a cellular level and excrete them out of the body. Your liver, lungs, skin, bowels, kidneys, emotions, are organs of detoxification.
Where do you want to begin?
Dr. Laura M.Brown ND
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