Wet Socks! For sinus and head colds. Not for lung afflictions. Helps boost white blood cells and improve circulation of lymphatics. You will...
Naturopathic doctor guelph
In a 30- 45 minute appointment, you could have relief. There are many ways naturopathic medicine offers relief from muscle...
Often sensitivities go undiagnosed because the reaction is gradual and will happen within 3 minutes to 3 days. This makes...
How do you get to the root cause of your health problems? Take charge of your health recognize patterns remove...
Your breath is the first gift of life. You take it with you everywhere you go. Use the breath and techniques of emotional intelligence and you can shift yourself into a physiological state of calm and clarity. Emotions should neither be ignored nor placed in charge. They are meant to...
The cabbage also known as cruciferous or brassica family helps support phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification of the liver....
Feel sluggish, tired, constipated, have difficult concentration, or are a wee bit depressed? Naturopathic Medicine exists to strengthen and encourage...
The microbiome shows distinct differences in pre and post menopausal women, a 2019 study reports. The change in microbiome could help us better understand the reasons for health decline in many post-menopausal women. The presence of estrogen protects against cardiovascular, metabolic disease and bone health. Now mounting evidence shows how...
Trillions of cells that live on our skin and line our gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts must be diversified and in...
Earwax, (medically known as cerumen auris) is a protective normal secretion from a skin gland in the external ear canal....
Our lymphatic system is made of fluid from the intestines and our immune fighting cells. It is like the drainage, filter and sewer pipe for the body because it provides immune cell circulation and collects cellular waste. It includes the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and lymph channels, GALT, the gastrointestinal associated lymphatic tissue,...
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