Listen in! In this week’s episode of Healthspan Academy, we venture into Naturopathic Medicine together with Dr. Laura Brown. We...
Dr. Laura M. Brown, ND
One Thing Podcast with Dr. Adam Rinde In this live feed of the One Thing Podcast, I welcome Dr. Laura...
How does gut health relate to the health of the rest of your body, mind, and soul? Two thousand four hundred fifty years ago, Hippocrates said, “It all begins in the gut.” I think he was smarter than even he knew. Has the human condition changed at all since then?...
Now Live! I’m so excited to share this with the world. What I dearly hope this read will give you...
“Gluten-free diet (GFD) is effective in the management of epilepsy in 53% of cases, either reducing seizure frequency, enabling reduced...
In times when you are overwhelmed with a flood of emotional input, the ability to digest food takes a hit. What’s going on? Your gut is your primary sensing organ Your gut takes in both food and emotional vibrations from the world around you. Emotions are made up of body...
Why the “sunshine” vitamin is important Vitamin D is important for calcium and bone metabolism, gut and mucosal lining protection...
Bring your 23andme or to life with practical nutrition. Areas of health support include: Vitamins, minerals & omega-3s Detoxification...
Keep up to date on your health goals! Dr. Laura M. Brown, ND is registered to practice in the province of Ontario. As long as you and Dr. Laura are both in Ontario, she may provide you care. Remote care is beneficial to save time, reduce travel, and limit social...
As of Jan 7, 2020 Dr. Laura M. Brown ND will be found here, at SOUTHEND Natural Medicine. Feel free...
Decisions for treatment and follow-up often are assisted with orders for lab or imaging. Bring any recent laboratory analysis or medical...
Therapeutic use of foods is a mainstay for naturopathic medicine. Dietary modification and or nutritional supplements often can address health concerns with fewer side effects and less complications than conventional medicine. Dr, Laura M .Brown, ND can help you evaluate and address: food intolerances nutritional deficiency or excess dietary imbalances...