The onset of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and heartburn often begin in times of grief, abuse or other major negative...
Naturopathic Currents is a worldwide newsletter for health and well being. It delivers professional, unbiased, up-to-date, and evidence-based information on...
Our small intestine is critically important for nutrient absorption. The warmth of the summer months with plenty of fresh seasonable vegetables and fruits available, provides a perfect platform for digestive health. Read on to find out how the small intestine health is linked to bad breath, rosacea, acid reflux, achy...
From the breast of the mother, human milk oligosaccharidea (HMOs) are the third most abundant component in breast milk and...
Constipation affects, on average, 16% of the population worldwide, and up to 33.5% of those aged 60-110 years old[i]. Due...
Join me and Ahna Fulmer in conversation: Ep50: Breaking Down Food Sensitivity & Gut Health Ever wonder if you have food sensitivities? Dr. Laura Brown shares her expertise on identifying signs and symptoms of food sensitivities, and how to improve bad gut health. Don’t miss Dr. Laura’s expert advice on...
We need rest and digest. If we’re always in fight or flight, or freeze, right, we’re not digesting. So, and...