Heart rate variability (HRV) is the beat-to-beat variation in heart rhythm. HRV is a measure of your body’s ability to...
Naturopathic doctor guelph
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) peel is an antioxidant rich dietary fibre easy to prepare and pleasant to enjoy. The entire...
Ever wonder why so many people are now gluten intolerant? The change in landscape of the microbiome is certainly part of the picture however, the wheat itself has changed over time. The original wheat was very labour intensive to grow and harvest yields were minimal. As the need to feed...
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death in adults worldwide, and lipid metabolism disorders are significant risk factors....
Bridgeport Connecticut’s WPKN radio broadcast host Dr. Z., interviews Dr. Laura M.Brown, ND. In this interview Dr. Brown answers the...
Knee osteoarthritis is the most popular type of osteoarthritis that causes extreme pain, especially as we age. Currently, there is no cure. To lessen knee pain, glucosamine is often suggested. In humans, glucosamine is required to make glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, and hyaluronic acid. These are used to make collagen and the...
Ovarian cancer is rare, however in women over 50 it is often a missed diagnosis that shares common symptoms with...
We live in a generation of inflammation. Why? Inflammation is the body’s natural and healthy response to repair damaged tissues...
Melatonin is made in many places, mainly the pineal gland (brain) and the gut. As darkness sets in at the end of the day, the brain is triggered to make melatonin. In contrast, melatonin made in the gut is made regardless of light. Melatonin acts as a hormone and thus...
Candida is yeast that naturally occurs in your body. An over growth of Candida can show itself as bloating, gas,...
Join Dr. Laura M.Brown, ND and Amanda Gazzola in an in depth conversation on the impact of stress on gut health. : https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/4-quadrants-of-gut-health-with-dr-laura-brown-nd/id1608810154?i=1000624650406 Health in Guelph is a podcast meant to bring the Guelph health community together. Hosted by Amanda Gazzola, she will be chatting with practitioners, nutritionists, coaches, and...