Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs when too much uric acid builds up. It causes glass like crystals to...
Naturopathic doctor in Guelph
It is our natural primitive response to defend ourselves. We need armour. If we didn’t have it, we wouldn’t survive....
Influenza begins as a local upper respiratory tract infection (everything from the neck up). Once it makes its way into the lungs it promotes cell to cell spread and transmission to other people through respiratory droplets. Flu usually lasts up to 28 days. Basically the virus destroys the mucosal layer...
What gluten gives Wheat consumption has revolutionized our current era. Not only does it fill up 50% of the average...
The health of your gut makes deep impacts on the health of your entire body. 2450 years ago, Hippocrates...
How does a super fit person get kidney stones? You eat well, live clean and exercise regularly. Well, if you eat spinach in your smoothie every day for three years, this can totally happen. Spinach is high in oxalates and oxalates are consistent with the formation of one type of...
The colon, or large intestine, is the distal part of your digestive tract where up to ninety five percent of...
Medicinal Mushrooms! The great emperors of China used medicinal mushrooms as a nourishing tonic, aphrodisiac and for anti-aging. Medicinal mushroom...
The long and winding stream
We are all our own unique chemistry experiment. Your microbiome unique and your genes have some small differences too. Environment,...
We need rest and digest. If we’re always in fight or flight, or freeze, right, we’re not digesting. So, and...
Together we discuss what tests suit you best and with your results we make practical lifestyle and nutritional recommendations to help meet your specific goals. Examples of some tests are below. If you seek a caring professional who is a registered naturopathic doctor in Guelph with a functional medicine approach,...